Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication
Let’s say you have two successful people you admire, who express success for you, and you will go to dinner with one of them. Say that one of them says something like:
I did not come here easily, it was never that simple, I came with great difficulties, I put a lot of effort. How does it sound?
And the other one tells you a story like this: No hassle, I built it with ease, the benefits of working with easy-going employees makes everything so simple.
Which story caught your attention the most? Which sounded more realistic, I’d like you to think about it for a minute.
Who would you like to go to dinner with, who do you find yourself closer to?
A simple car, a simple person, a simple job, a simple meal, a simple gift, a simple exam, etc.
We can extend this list as we wish, I would like you to think about it. It saddens me that nowadays we have coded the word simple as a negative word in our minds, and what’s worse, we choose the difficult one instead because it is more subconsciously appealing to us. Let’s take a look at the subconscious codes that see the difficult as unattainable and therefore success.
Passing a difficult exam, finishing a difficult project, cooking a difficult meal, a hard-to-reach holiday, gift, item, etc. is a game of our materialistic world. However, let’s realize that this makes our life difficult, and after this information, let’s accept it when we choose it ourselves.
If you are complaining about this situation, let’s stop complaining and love the simple, what do you say, isn’t it very simple?
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